Okay, we’ve established the reasons to be wary: 1. Bruce Campbell’s performance was lightning in a bottle, and cannot/should not be replaced. 2. The poster (above) makes a really arrogant claim. 3. Remakes suck, lik...
It’s okay to get a little bit sloppy on New Year’s Eve, but this goes above and beyond. At the end of 2012, the Los Angeles station KDOC aired the special above, featuring Jamie Kennedy, Shannon Elizabeth, a totally...
KDOC is a TV station based in Orange County, California, which gained brief notoriety in the ’80s when it aired the far-right ravings of Rebecca DeMornay’s deranged, blond-bewigged father Wally George. Nowadays it m...
On the grand list of Things That Look Awesome In Reverse, it’s not a huge surprise that fireworks are right up there near the top. And indeed, the Melbourne New Year’s Eve fireworks look just lovely in reverse, as d...
It was a gloriously mean tease to leave us with the briefest of reunion moments between the Dixon brothers. The series returns in a week and a half, but in the meantime, here’s just a little bit more of Daryl and Merle. L...
For inspiration, the greatest awesomely terrible party song to hit the UK top ten in the ’80s. Warning: You cannot un-see or un-hear what lies within. Happy New Year, everyone. Originally written and published by at Tople...
It may seem like the bars get more full on St. Patrick’s Day, but New Year’s Eve is rally the calendar’s biggest drinkathon – kids get to try champagne, people stay out all night and Triple-A offers to t...
There were a lot of great stories to choose from this year, making the task of narrowing them down to 10 a bit of a challenge, and it bears mentioning that some of the items on this list were published as single issue in 2011, ...
When you look back on all that’s happened in the gaming world—games released, scandals unveiled and surprises unleashed—it’s been a long, long year. Let’s take a look back at what that year has bee...