Before I start, just marvel at this: This is fan art from Deviantart (link in image below). Someone made this, and it perfectly depicts a scene in the book. Do you see the Enterprise? Serenity? Giant Japanese Robots and more po...
Flatline continues the downhill side of the season. We still don’t have much information on the arc, but at least we have left the early episode totally wonky scripts behind. Assuming we can keep this level of script and ...
SPOILERS We’re down to the final five, so that means that a good artist is going to go home today, possibly on a good makeup depending on how things go. At the house, George talks about how much it sucked t...
SPOILERS So, American Horror Story is back! This time, it’s Freak Show! That will probably mean clowns. 🙁 We start with an ominous voice over by Sarah Paulson, and go right to a milkman entering a house b...
SPOILERS We start off with conversation at the house. Drew’s upset about being in the bottom, and Sasha’s worried because she’s been in the bottom just as much as she’s been in the top. T...
Good Day and welcome to another Gamersledge Doctor Who Ep. Review. This time, we are going to be taking a gander at “Listen” episode 4 of the Capaldi’s first season. Let’s jump right in, shall we? The ...
Hello again, and welcome to the next installment of the series 8 of Doctor Who, ‘Into the Dalek’! Trailaccess here, very late, to share thoughts on the show, and where I think things are going from here! As Neo̵...
Here it is folks…’a new hope’ Get it? Saw that online this morning, I squeeeeeeeed all the way home. I really hope that Bioware does Star Wars right in this MMO, I mean there is a huge, HUGE, following and lo...
…won’t you come, and wash away the rain… So, bad things happen when trial drinks an energy drink at nearly 11. I had some backing up to do on three different computers, and I was tired, so I figured I could d...